Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Recipe: Perfect Crusty French Baguette Recipe

Crusty French Baguette Recipe.

Crusty French Baguette Recipe You can have Crusty French Baguette Recipe using 8 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Crusty French Baguette Recipe

  1. Prepare 2 of yeast envelopes dry active (1 1/2 tbl).
  2. It's 3 of honey tbl.
  3. You need of water warm.
  4. It's 3 1/2 cups of all purpose flour.
  5. Prepare 2 tsps of salt.
  6. Prepare of olive oil greasing for bowl.
  7. You need of semolina flour cornmeal baguette or for dusting.
  8. Prepare 2 cups of ice cubes.

Crusty French Baguette Recipe instructions

  1. Microwave 1/2 cup water for 30 seconds. Mix honey and yeast Into warm water. Let stand for at least 5 minutes until yeast is activated and starts to foam.
  2. Mix the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl with a dough hook. Add the yeast mixture..
  3. Gradually add 1 cup warm water until dough comes together in a ball that isn't too wet..
  4. Kneed for 2-6 mins until smooth and elastic..
  5. Shape the dough into a ball and place in a lightly greased bowl in a warm place until doubled in size (aprox 30 mins).
  6. Punch dough down and divide it in half..
  7. Shape the halves into 2 baguettes by making each a flat rectagle and folding in half, and in half again. Stretch into a baguette shape..
  8. Dust with Semolina flour or cornmeal. Place the baguettes on a baking sheet lined with a baking mat..
  9. Deeply slit the tops..
  10. Let rise again for about 30 mins until doubled in size. Cover with a clean towel..
  11. Position oven racks with one on the bottom with an oven safe (non-glass) pan on it, and the other oven rack in the middle.
  12. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  13. Remove the towel from the dough after it has risen for the second time, and place on the middle oven rack..
  14. In the bottom oven rack, put the ice cubes in the pan and quickly shut the oven door. (this creates the crispy crust).
  15. Bake until golden, about 15 - 20 mins..

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