Monday, June 15, 2020

Recipe: Tasty Bacon Lovers Unite.. The Heart Attack Club

Bacon Lovers Unite.. The Heart Attack Club. Do you love bacon with all your heart and mind and soul??? Bacon Lovers Unite - The best way to get bacon! Remember to LIKE and SHARE if you love bacon.

Bacon Lovers Unite.. The Heart Attack Club Bacon lovers gather in Des Moines, Iowa, to celebrate all things bacon. Bacon lovers unite for Bacon Fest. Listen to the new James Bond theme Berman: Trump Jr.'s attack on Romney is appalling. You can cook Bacon Lovers Unite.. The Heart Attack Club using 6 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Bacon Lovers Unite.. The Heart Attack Club

  1. Prepare 1 lb of thin cut bacon.
  2. You need 5 of thin slices packaged turkey.
  3. Prepare 1 medium of tomato, thin sliced.
  4. It's 4 of plus one.. leaves of lettuce.
  5. You need 2 of thick cut slices soft French or Italian bread.
  6. You need 1 of mayo to taste.

My BF is addicted to bacon, he could eat it everyday at every meal. I don't eat bacon often, but when I do, its to incorporate it into a recipe. I've had this saved on my computer for quite awhile. I'm waiting for a day when I feel particularly invulnerable to a heart attack to actually make it though.!!

Bacon Lovers Unite.. The Heart Attack Club step by step

  1. fry bacon according to directions until desired doneness.. flat pieces work best for this sandwich..
  2. place bacon on paper towel to drain.
  3. toast bread in toaster it toaster oven.
  4. place bread on plate and spread desired amount of mayo on one side of both slices.
  5. place tomato slices on mayo on both sides until bread is covered.
  6. add lettuce to one side.
  7. place turkey on top of lettuce.
  8. pile bacon..all of it... the whole pound on top of the turkey.. to form a giant mound/pyramid of bacon! use your tetris skills!.
  9. place one more slice of lettuce on top of bacon.. be careful don't let it tip!.
  10. place other slice of bread on top tomato side down..
  11. gently press sandwich together...if you do it slowly & you stacked it won't lose any bacon!.wich is very important!!!! :).
  12. time to eat!... can you handle it?.

Bacon Lovers Unite "bacon recipes With of recipes for lunches and light meals, there's no reason to be bored with your midday meal ever again. Bacon Candy CaneThese might look like ordinary candy canes, but they are actually bacon flavored candy canes. The flavor of the season is bacon, bacon, and more bacon. Jumbo Bacon Candy CaneThat bacon candy cane. A heart attack is the death of a segment of heart muscle caused by a loss of blood supply.

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